16 September 2009

you know you've been reading too much Greek tragedy when. . .

I had been re-reading some of the Grene/Lattimore translations of Greek tragedy, and I was just a couple of days in (seriously!) when someone came up to me with one of those "Figaro qua, Figaro la, Figaro su, Figaro giu" tasks that take up most of my hours, some silly thing that no one knows what to do with so they give it to me, and to which my usual response is (outwardly) a slight smile and "I'll take care of that for you," and inwardly, well, you probably don't need to know exactly what I usually think inwardly except that it involves a string of colorful cursewords but this time out of my lamenting-chorus-heavy mind like Athena from the head of Zeus sprang the thought, "Strange is the tale you tell me / And strange the terror that seizes my heart."


vicmarcam said...

Ah! Like when one more student shows up in my room. Outwardly: smile, welcome. Inwardly: another parent to get to know, another everything to assess, another person blocking aisles without meaning to. No curse words. Maybe I should try that.

Patrick J. Vaz said...

Yes, maybe you should! Cussin' is the best! Goddammit!