24 October 2017

Haiku 2017/292-297

2017/297 (24 October 2017)
walking past the zoo:
was that an engine starting
or a lion's roar


2017/296 (23 October 2017)
across the hallway
another room of paintings
each one a lifetime


2017/295 (22 October 2017)
the sun is long gone
the daily noises subside:
cicada chorus


2017/294 (21 October 2017)
caught in their cages
restless tigers pace inside
while we pace outside


2017/293 (20 October 2017)
why does summer stay
after we want it to leave?
where is summer's fall?


2017/292 (19 October 2017)
in faraway skies
there are just as many stars
they burn as coldly

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