10 September 2014

butterfly on the lantana

Sometimes wonderful things happen in gardens – like when I stand there with the hose, watering something, and a hummingbird comes by and sticks his beak into the stream, and I don't move until he flies off – and sometimes I manage to grab my camera. Here are some shots of the butterfly that was fluttering over the lantana last week.









Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous set of pictures. Only the brightness of lantana could make a butterfly look almost brown, perhaps a reminder that autumn is on its way.

That hummingbird is so great. I, too, have watched it drink from the water arching out of the hose.


Patrick J. Vaz said...

Thanks. I kind of like the ones in which the butterfly is blurred with movement and the one in which its wings are folded and it looks kind of like the brown leaf above it (second and third photos).