12 February 2013


Seven years of reverberating, so happy blogaversary to me. Many thanks to all who visit. Please continue to do so!

These are the BART tracks that take me off to events in San Francisco, Berkeley, and Oakland. I spend a lot of time staring at them.


Civic Center said...

Congratulations. And knowing your love of the BART transportation system, that photo is very disquieting.

Lisa Hirsch said...

Big thanks from here, Patrick.

John Marcher said...

Yes Patrick,

Happy blogaversary to you, and lease keep reverberating.


Anonymous said...

Why, I can still remember your first day of blogging. Seems just like yesterday. Thank you for seven years of humor, beauty and intriguing ideas.

Patrick J. Vaz said...

Thanks everyone, for the kind words! I really wasn't fishing for compliments, but I'm very happy to receive them.

And thank you, O Unknown, for giving me the initial push to start a blog.